For those of us who can't fork out the thousands for an original Prada bag or Burberry coat, there is a solution. It's called proliferation (think of this in fashion terms, not binary fission). When a high-end designer comes up with a genius cut, print or colour, the next minute other designers, who design for various socio-economic groups, take that original design and recreate it.
Enter Bardot SS12.
The look on my face as I walked into their store a few weeks ago was of utter excitement. I couldn't believe they had managed to recreate the Givenchy AW11 show in a handful of carefully selected styles. Yes, it bordered slightly on design theft, but no, not everyone can pick up on that. I don't know about you, but for me, its great when a designer piece is recreated for a, dare I say, poorer target market. It means we can all have a slice of the cake and eat it too. Where once being 'in fashion' was a sign of wealth and fashion was reserved for the upper class, today, fashion is about meeting the needs of the consumer. And if the need is to look like you just walked off the Givenchy runway, I think its safe to say that Bardot has met your need.

Givenchy Fall 2011

Bardot SS2012
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